Wednesday, May 23, 2007

About this space and the radio station

Life throws you curve balls sometimes, we got a puppy in April, took on some extra work and I have had to let this space slide a bit.

Please note: The radio staion itself always changes at least once a week, no matter what happens here or the website.

Hopefully I'll be back here more often soon...


1 comment:

nofoshrine said...

Nofoshrine with a very important announcement.


All traditions will be flaunted at The Lisa Jayne June Mardi Gras Silent Auction
Spaghetti Feed

Lisa Jayne has three kids, has a mortgage, has a career on hold, and has breast cancer

You CAN help!

Here’s how…

So come out Friday, June 15th
Deming Log Show Grounds, Cedarville Rd., Deming
(doors open at 6: oopm and Entry is Free!)
Come Marvel at the Silent Auction, Kiddie Carnival
Spaghetti Feed and DJ for a Family- Oriented Celebration
Dinner’s optional , but available for $7 adults/$3 kids under 10/free kids 3 and younger

Costumes are Optional , but Clothing’s a must!

Bring Family, Friends, Cash, Checks, or Major Credit Cards